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Newsletter Ad

Advertiser’s name
Number of weeks to run


1st – 10th grade

Child’s campus
Child’s full name
Child’s grade & homeroom teacher

Chromebook Replacement

Child's campus
Child's name & grade


Full name of child
item paying for

Field Trips

Child’s campus
Child’s name & teacher
Field trip location

Supplies Purchase/Replacement

Full name of child and Grade
Teacher & item paying for

ALIHS Senegal Trip

Student's Name

Before-School Care

Late-Start Wednesdays only
Cherry & Oak: 7:45 am
Armour: 8:00 am
Child's Name and Grade:

25th Anniversary Pullovers

25th Anniversary Merch
Please select size for pullover (all men's sizes)
Select Campus from which pick up order
Name on order for pickup
Contact email address

Family Support Fund

Help Fill Our Uniform Closets

ALIHS Winter Dance

Student first and last name
Guest first and last name