Parent Engagement

Engaged families are the lifeblood of a successful charter school, and we welcome all of you as partners in your children’s education.

There are many opportunities to volunteer and get involved in the life of the school. Away from school, your diligent attention and presence in your child’s life is even more important. We love partnering with you to create a passion for learning and lifelong curiosity for your child. Thank you for entrusting us with this vital mission.

See below for links to important resources, including information about class trips, summer school, supply lists, school district boundaries, AL policies, and MORE.

Prospective Parents

Choosing a school for your children is one of the most critical decisions in the life of a young family. The choices in Kansas City are wide-ranging, and each school has its own strengths. Académie Lafayette is uniquely situated, as a high-performing public charter school with a foreign language immersion program. It’s impossible to truly understand or appreciate what goes on here without taking a school tour, so call for an appointment if you’re interested in exploring this for your child.

Contact Robyn King, 816.888.8934.