Boys’ Basketball
Boys’ basketball occurs in the winter and is open to all 6th–10th grade boys.
Boys’ basketball games are typically during the week after school. Practices are mandatory. MSHSAA requires 14 practices on 14 separate days before a student is eligible to play. Players need to be at practice on time and ready to go.
This is a competitive team ruled by Académie Lafayette regulations and MSHSAA regulations. The boys’ basketball team competes in the Kansas City Metro Conference League. If more than 14 players are registered, coaches and the athletic director may decide to hold tryouts.
Coach Steph (M. Stéphane Accatcha) believes it’s time to redefine and create a strong and successful program for the next coming years at Académie Lafayette. Practices will be held at the Cherry gym.
Head Coach
Stéphane Accatcha
Coaching Assistants
Brian Cook
Gabe Lona