Boys’ Soccer
Boys’ soccer occurs in the fall and is open to all 6th–8th grade boys.
Boys’ soccer games are played on Saturdays. Practices are mandatory and occur Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. MSHSAA requires 14 practices on 14 separate days before a student is eligible to play. Players need to be at practice on time and ready to go.
More information on practice times and registration to come.
This is a competitive team ruled by Académie Lafayette regulations and MSHSAA regulations. The middle school boys’ soccer team competes in the Kansas City Metro Conference League. If more than 23 players are registered, two teams will be formed. We allow all of those interested to participate in the soccer program.
All young men intending to participate will need to have the athletics health forms completed (see required forms at right). Feel free to print them and bring them to the first practice. (If you have not have a physical yet, please let us know when that is scheduled. Additionally, if you have already had your annual checkup and just need this form filled out, many doctor’s offices will complete it based on your last visit.)
Head Coach
Colin Arians